Pre-Wedding Beauty Care Go Natural

When it comes to your wedding, there is no way you can compromise on your looks. You definitely want to leave your groom speechless and for guests to appreciate your beauty. You want your wedding day look for pictures to be timeless.
Your skin responds best to natural ingredients. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science, offers numerous remedies for a glowing skin. Here are a few natural remedies that can bring out your bridal glow.
Milk is one of the best natural cleansers. Dip a ball of cotton in raw milk and clean your skin. Cucumber juice can be used both as a cleanser and toner for all skin types.
Make a paste using finely crushed almonds and raw milk. Wash your face with warm water or apply a warm towel to the face for a couple of minutes. Make sure you remove the towel before it becomes cold. This opens the pores of your skin slightly. Now apply the almond and milk paste. Keep it on for ten minutes before washing the mixture off.
Layers of dead skin make the skin appear dull and inhibit growth of new layers. For glowing skin, it is important to remove the dead layer. One of the best ways to exfoliate is to gently rub your skin with a paste of chickpea flour and raw milk. This remedy suits all skin types and acts as a deep skin cleanser as well.
Another natural exfoliation remedy is a paste of olive oil and sugar crystals. Mix the ingredients well and rub on the skin gently in upward circular motion. The sugar crystals have a natural abrasive effect that removes dead skin. This remedy is not very suitable if your skin is excessively oily. You can substitute the olive oil for raw milk, honey or rose water.
You can use these remedies on the entire body. Exfoliate your skin twice a week. More frequent exfoliation removes natural oils from your skin and makes it dry.
Blemishes are caused because of numerous factors such as acne, pigmentation and sunburn. One of the best ways to prevent blemishes is to massage your face with sour yogurt. You can do this every day before sleeping at night.
Lemon is a natural bleach and helps reinstate uniform skin tone. People with oily skin can rub a piece of lemon directly on the skin. However, do not keep the juice on for more than five to ten minutes. If your skin is dry, mix lemon juice with honey and apply on the face as a mask.
Other natural remedies include potato juice, tomato juice, red sandalwood paste, turmeric paste, and neem juice. If your elbows, knees and underarm areas are darker than the rest of your body, rub a mixture of sugar and lemon juice for ten to fifteen every day on these specific areas.
Apply these remedies three times a week to experience a gradual reduction in blemishes.
Moisturizing reinstates the suppleness of the skin and prevents it from becoming excessively dry. Some of the best natural moisturizers are honey, yogurt, olive oil, cream, and rose water mist. Cream and olive oil are not for people with oily skin. If your skin is damaged, add a drop of tea tree oil into these natural moisturizers. Tea tree oil also curbs acne and brings a uniform tone on the skin.
Toning completes the cleaning process and brings firmness to your skin. Additionally, you can use a toner to shrink enlarged pores, which is one of the common problems faced by women who have oily skin.
Rose water is an excellent toner. After cleaning your face every night, dab rose water onto a cotton ball then onto skin. To shrink pores, make a mixture of lemon juice, hazel, and clean water. Use a ball of cotton to apply it over your face. Make sure that this toner does not enter your eyes.
Fresh apple juice, pineapple juice and juice of other citrus fruits such as oranges and grapes are good toners for oily skin. Those with dry skin can use virgin olive oil as a toner.
Skin lightening
A mixture of lemon juice, cucumber juice and rose water makes a great skin lightening lotion. You can apply it every evening. Lemon juice, with its citrus, bleaching and astringent properties, removes tanning and lightens skin, while rose water and cucumber cool your skin.
Coconut water is a known skin lightener. Dip a ball of cotton in fresh coconut water and apply over the skin every day. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and wash off.
Essential oils for skin care
Essential oils have a magical effect on your skin and mind due to their soothing properties. Some of the best essential oils for skin care are lavender oil, ylang-ylang, rosemary, neroli, mandarin and chamomile. You should read instructions on the usage because excess concentration can damage skin.
You can certainly bring out beauty with well-done makeup. However, when the skin that lies beneath the makeup is naturally healthy and beautiful, makeup becomes simply a supplement to your beauty rather than the prime driver. Pre-wedding skin care is crucial to that wedding glow on your special day.

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